Jenoir Internation


Author: Jenoir International
Published: January 1, 2022

Foreword by Jennifer Clement and Dirk Schlimm, whitepaper by Jaye Cabreros

The arrival of the Omicron variant towards the end of 2021, dashed hopes that societies, at least those with wide vaccine availability, were returning to pre-pandemic lives. Some had indeed thought that the pandemic was over; business executives were eager to post pictures of air travel (my first trip since …), trade show attendance, and various team building events. And who could blame them, it was good to finally be among people again. Working at the office also staged a comeback, at least in certain areas. With working from home (WFH) no longer imposed by necessity, however, the debate had now shifted as to whether and/or to what extent we should all head back to the office or whether working remote should become part of the “new normal.” Some pointed to the drawbacks of WFH such as awkward collaboration and loss of spontaneous creativity while others highlighted increased productivity brought on by ubiquitous and optimized video interaction that eliminated the need for lengthy commutes and air travel. Experts also issued warnings that companies unwilling to offer WFH as an equal choice would risk losing badly needed staff or turn away new talent. The advocates on neither side of the debate lack solid arguments or passion. While Omicron has proven that declaring an end to the pandemic was premature (at the time of this writing, France and other European countries have even re-imposed work from home mandates), the debate over WFH will be here to stay even after the pandemic is hopefully over for good.

In January of 2021, we had asked Jenoir International research consultant, Jaye Cabreros, to write a first white paper with an overview of WFH and we had some excellent feedback. With another year of WFH experience under our belts, Jaye has now complied an update, and we are pleased to submit his second Jenoir International white paper on the topic titled CREATING SUCCESS IN A WORK FROM HOME ENVIRONMENT REVISITED. Some of the insights were what one might have expected whereas others gave pause to think. Happy reading and we look forward to your thoughts and experiences.

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